• PR Boost
  • Harper's Bazaar
  • International Media
  • AliveShoes

The ONIXXIVK BALLERINA  by Olukunle Oni were recently published in the online version of Harper's Bazaar magazine.

A worldwide leader in women’s fashion & lifestyle.

It's another important goal reached by the AliveShoes PR Boost team, that has the aim connect the best designers on the AliveShoes platform with the most important media in international fashion and the most popular influencers.

ONIXXIVK BALLERINA appeared all over Harper's Bazaar website for an entire week

Photographic material and banners were published on the fashion magazine.

Photos of the design were the background for all sections of the online magazine.

Specific banners featuring the shoes’ design appeared in the most important articles of the week.

The weeklong appearances provided great visibility for the brand.


About the brand and style of ONIXXIVK BALLERINA

OniXXIVk Brand is a State Of Art High End Limited Edition Luxury productions put together with a world of endless possibilities of creative masterpiece inventions and more than just a brand. OniXXIVk Ballerina is a High End Luxury Masterpiece Shoe made for all with easy comfort for everyday lifestyle and occasions.

An Idea and a Design by Olukunle Oni 

CEO, Philanthropist and Entrepreneur who believe in ownership of own products and creative inventions of OniXXIVk Brands in Shoes, Clothing, Custom Jewelries & Accessories, OniXXIVk True Wireless Earbuds and more amazing productions in the fashion world, for being creative is one of the most important leadership skills.

AliveShoes gives talented and creative people all over the world the professional resources to design custom shoes, fashion accessories, and launch their own fashion line from scratch. We take care of all production and logistics from Le Marche, Italy, the most exclusive and prestigious shoe and fashion craftmanship district in the world.
AliveShoes gives talented and creative people all over the world the professional resources to design custom shoes, fashion accessories, and launch their own fashion line from scratch. We take care of all production and logistics from Le Marche, Italy, the most exclusive and prestigious shoe and fashion craftmanship district in the world.