• Mancino Boyz
  • PR Boost
  • danielmontero
  • AliveShoes
  • Fashion Influencer

Mancino Boyz is a unique footwear brand coming from an extremely talented and designer from Spain, Daniel Montero.

The shoes were featured by fashion and lifestyle Influencer _danielmontero_, from Spain to the world. 

It’s another exclusive project published thanks to the PR Boost service by the AliveShoes team.

Mancino Boyz brand published by danielmontero, fashion and style expert  

The shoes were featured on the Instagram page and personal blog page of _danielmontero_ with thousands of likes and comments:

A personal photographic blitz of the shoes was made by the fashion blogger, an expert in style.

These are his words about the shoe and the brand: "Wearing the intense blue of the Mancino Boyz sneakers by Ray "lefty" Rhodes. You can check it:"

The appearance on social media and on the blog provided great visibility for the brand and was also a style statement.


About the brand and style of Mancino Boyz

The Mancino brand has a "Collezione Uno" from which the silhouette and the color block, the the color modes are the direct representation of the colors that are in the words Boyz & Girlz as shown on the cover of the book "Girlz R Stoopid & Boyz R Duhm". The designer designed both the Left-handed Boyz and the Left-handed Girlz to commemorate the 1st anniversary of the release of his first book published on Amazon and Barnes & Noble entitled "Girlz R Stoopid & Boyz R Duhm".

About Ray "lefty" Rhodes

Born and raised Chicagoan, world traveler and a published author Ray "Lefty" Rhodes aka Mr. Lefty is now also a Certified published shoe designer as well. Fashion Institute of Technology grad and now also a Harvard Business School student after finishing the Entrepreneurship Essentials course and deciding to go back full time. I wore braces on my legs (yes like Forrest Gump) as a child to fix my bowed legs and also had to wear corrective shoes from being so pigeon toed. I've always had a special relationship with shoes especially growing up in Chicago during the 90s where we had Nike town and freight trains while Micheal Jordan and the Bulls were winning TWO 3-petes in ONE decade. Shoes have always been a huge part of and influence on his life so it's a great honor and a privilege to be able to not only be able to design my own shoes but also shoes that others like. And through this he will be able to give back and make the world a more comfortable and therefore better place!

AliveShoes gives talented and creative people all over the world the professional resources to design custom shoes, fashion accessories, and launch their own fashion line from scratch. We take care of all production and logistics from Le Marche, Italy, the most exclusive and prestigious shoe and fashion craftmanship district in the world.
AliveShoes gives talented and creative people all over the world the professional resources to design custom shoes, fashion accessories, and launch their own fashion line from scratch. We take care of all production and logistics from Le Marche, Italy, the most exclusive and prestigious shoe and fashion craftmanship district in the world.