• Furrever
  • PR Boost
  • milanshefer
  • AliveShoes
  • Fashion Influencer

Furrever is a unique footwear brand coming from an extremely talented and designer from America, James Furr.

The shoes were featured by fashion and lifestyle Influencer milanshefer, from Germany to the world.

It’s another exclusive project published thanks to the PR Boost service by the AliveShoes team.

Furrever brand published by milanshefer, fashion and style expert  

The shoes were featured on the Instagram page and personal blog page of milanshefer with thousands of likes and comments: https://www.instagram.com/p/CPDcESojR_H/ 

A personal photographic blitz of the shoes was made by the fashion blogger, an expert in style.

These are his words about the shoe and the brand: "LIMITED EDITION 🔥Wearing my new FURREVER sneakers by the designer James Furr! Get this limited amazing pair of sneakers here link: https://www.aliveshoes.com/furrever-5__Swipe for more pictures ⬅️"

The appearance on social media and on the blog provided great visibility for the brand and was also a style statement.


About the brand and style of Furrever

Furrever shoes are designed in honor of Uncle John Hall, a retired Army veteran, the colors and gold stars, for his help him in the greatest battle of him, find and get his children. The camouflage color is great to honor Uncle John Hall and the US military, they are very well done many activities.

About James Furr

A single parent of a boy and a girl I raised completely alone,the most fun I've every had,a former boxer,singer and rapper,now running my own security company.

AliveShoes gives talented and creative people all over the world the professional resources to design custom shoes, fashion accessories, and launch their own fashion line from scratch. We take care of all production and logistics from Le Marche, Italy, the most exclusive and prestigious shoe and fashion craftmanship district in the world.
AliveShoes gives talented and creative people all over the world the professional resources to design custom shoes, fashion accessories, and launch their own fashion line from scratch. We take care of all production and logistics from Le Marche, Italy, the most exclusive and prestigious shoe and fashion craftmanship district in the world.