• ExšL
  • PR Boost
  • Vanity Fair
  • International Media
  • AliveShoes

The ExšL brand was recently published in the online version of Vanity Fair magazine, an undisputed leader in fashion and lifestyle.

It's an important goal of the AliveShoes PR Boost team, to connect the best designers on the AliveShoes platform with the most important media in international fashion and the most popular influencers.

ExšL appeared all over Vanity Fair's website for an entire week

Photographic material and banners were published on a fashion magazine of undisputed level as Vanity Fair.

The photos of the designer of the brand were the background for the music section of the magazine.

Specific banners featuring the shoes’ design—vertical and horizontal—appeared in the most important articles of the week.

The weeklong appearances provided great visibility for the brand.


About the brand and style of ExšL

The foundation of my brand is rooted in music. inspired by the creative artistic people in the music industry. ExšL is aimed at putting his name with the greats in the music/fashion entertainment industry. The ExšL original design was made to be simple yet fashionable. ExšL is a design that the young executive can wear but also appealing to people that like to dress down. From the boardwalk to the boardroom there is no limit to where these shoes can be worn.

An Idea and a Design by Exšl Footwear

ExšL is the CEO of Flavawood & Fontaine Music imprints. F&F is a fully integrated, broad-based record imprint specializing in the creation, production, distribution, licensing and marketing of all forms of entertainment and their related businesses. Both imprints are powered by RSG Agency where ExšL currently holds an executive position leading the production department and assisting in business concept design. ExšL launched his very own footwear company early 2019 affectionately titled ExšL Footwear. ExšL Footwear are handmade by master Italian craftsman from pristine Italian leather. Each designer pair is a one-of-a-kind, combining handcrafting tradition, quality and modern style.

AliveShoes gives talented and creative people all over the world the professional resources to design custom shoes, fashion accessories, and launch their own fashion line from scratch. We take care of all production and logistics from Le Marche, Italy, the most exclusive and prestigious shoe and fashion craftmanship district in the world.
AliveShoes gives talented and creative people all over the world the professional resources to design custom shoes, fashion accessories, and launch their own fashion line from scratch. We take care of all production and logistics from Le Marche, Italy, the most exclusive and prestigious shoe and fashion craftmanship district in the world.